Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bedroom 1

Finally, I have got Brian to agree (read: he was held to ransom) to renovating our bedroom. To do this, we need to also renovate our hallway

So this is our bedroom as it stands now (excuse the mess)



And the hallway


the plan is to (in the bedroom)
  • cover over the chimney in our room and put a built in robe along that whole wall.
  • Put in a new window that is double the size of the current one
  • Lower the ceiling to 9ft
  • Put in new powerpoints (they are currently in crazy spots), downlights, and a sweep fan
  • Replaster
  • Replace the door with another one the same (i broke this one with my coat hooks)
  • Paint
  • New carpet

And in the hallway
  • Put in a linen press where the blue tape is on the wall
  • Put in a new light (Brian wants a plain downlight, i want a cool pendant light)
  • Move the air con panel and light switches to the side closest to the front door
  • Replaster
  • Replace green glass with clear frosted glass
We will keep the floorboards in the hallway at this stage, i am rather fond of them again. Plus they are good with my allergies.

So to start with, I need to move the stuff out of the spare room to the shed, move our cupboards and tallboys into the spare room, and move the rest of the stuff into the shed. Then its demolition time :D

Stay tuned for more renovating moments Pin It

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I am a crafting goddess...well least I think I could be.

I am not a crafty person. I have a huge storage tub in our spare room of half started crafts. More often than not, i see something and think "I could make that", when really I should be thinking "I should buy that".

So today when on etsy, I found these bibs from this blog

A cute turkey

a cute cupcake birthday one (I am considering this for my niece's birthday)

A letter (I am considering a W for my nephew William

And the worlds cutest duck bib, with matching hat!!!

Now, I could make these. I really could. But maybe it would be easier to just buy them. But where is the fun in that? Pin It

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I have robe envy

I am home sick, so between visits to my new bestie, i did some googling on built in robes. 

Now i am rarely a fan of Miss Mariah, but i am envious of her robes....and maybe her shoe collection ;)

Just call me Kermit
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Monday, March 9, 2009

I love my family

This weekend it was a long weekend. For me, that is four days off. We were originally going to the beach with some friends, but they pulled out, so we went to see my sister in-law and my new, 3 week old, nephew.

(Pictured here with my neice Charlotte)

He is such a cute little boy. We shared a moment when he fell asleep on my chest for a good hour and snored his little head off. Such a little cutie.

Makes me clucky all over
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Friday, March 6, 2009

The drama of the ring

This is my engagement ring. It has a matching paved wedder.

Lets take a walk down memory lane.

Brian and I got engaged in late 2006. Being the girl i am, he let me choose my own ring, as, well, it was safer that way. So we went through every jewellers in the town i was at uni in, the town we live in, and eventually to Melbourne. I couldn't find the ring I loved. I knew what I wanted, but just couldn't find it. We had made a promise that we wouldn't tell anyone until we had the ring, and that wasn't going to last much longer. We stopped in at a store in a town close to us, and I found a ring i was happy with, so we brought it. Fantastic.

6 months later I was looking at wedding bands, and found the engagement ring I originally wanted in a set. The set was around the price we would have paid to have my wedding band made, so I convinced Bri to buy it. I have two engagement rings :D  Even better was that it was from the jewellers in our town.

Now, a smart person would have ordered both rings at the same time, but alas, I is not a smart person. So we ordered the e.ring, with the wedder to follow in a few months. Happy days.

Or not. A couple of months later when I went to order the wedder, the nice lady had gone, and I was left with a complete fool. A fool who told me that the matching wedding was no longer available, and they would have to custom make it for me for the same price. Not happy

So they made my wedder, and was due to be picked up before Christmas 2007 (I got married 2nd February 2008). I wasn't taking chances. I picked up my ring on the 28th January 2008 because they: made it 9ct white gold, not 18ct like ordered, allowed their jeweller to take extra holidays despite having orders, lost my order, and had trouble getting the right stones.

In amongst all of January, I managed to mangle my engagement ring in a freak gardening accident, which required being taken to the jewelers. It came back on the 30th January 2008. On my wedding day, i wore an imperfect ring, as it had a damaged stone. I didn't trust them to be able to fix it in time, and there was no way I was going to my wedding without my rings.

So, after our honeymoon I took it back to them. They fixed the ring, and all was good until December, when a stone in my wedder dropped down below the others. Once again, I go back to the jewelers. I got my ring back today!!!

And guess what, they have f**ked it up again! It now had a yellow tinge to it, like it was re plated with some crappy mix that isn't even 9ct white gold!

The cycle continues
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