Monday, November 22, 2010

Changes are coming

I hadn't really been feeling my blog name for a little while now, and since it looks like I won't be leaving the country anytime soon, a change was needed.

When I sat back and thought what my blog about, I realised it is really just giving you all a view into my life, and now there is a new part of my life that you are going to see into (sorry about that!). And I like birds, so Birds Eye View it became. What do you think?

Oh, and if you are that way inclined, I made a grab button for my blog thanks to the lovely Emma's tutorial. Just copy the code on the right and paste in the html box on your own blog. Pin It


  1. April, I really like it...I just wish I knew how to re-vamp mine like that with a new heading and font and pic it

  2. I love it! That's also such a cute bird :)

  3. Lesley, it was pretty easy, the bird was a image I found in Google Images and then adapted in Photoshop to change his body colour, and his wings. The 'papers' were some digital scrapbooking papers I brought ages ago. I just threw it all together in Photoshop one night, and then uploaded it in blogger.

    I think it is now a standard feature that you can use your own backgrounds in blogger. It has been a feature for a little while in BloggerDraft (which is my personal preference as it gets new toys to trial).

  4. Love the new name April and the new header. Must the the time of year for blog makeovers.

  5. Must be! It is something I have been meaning to do for ages, but just never really got around to it. Now with my lack of lifting ability, I have a lot more time to do things that require physically doing jack all ;)

  6. I love it! The birdie is very cute - I think it suits very well.


Thanks for your comments. I love seeing what you have to say, so write away!