Monday, November 15, 2010

You could have knocked me over with a coat hanger

I have been reading Megan's blog for a little while now, and loved her house from the start.

Recently she shared her 'Mom Cave' which is actually her walk in robe. And it would terrible of me not to share it with you.

Here it is empty, don't you just love the chandelier.

 And the shoes. Oh. My. God. The shoes!

Isn't it the most adorable space ever? I wouldn't have enough clothes to fill an entire section, however I am in love.

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  1. Oh wow. That's going on my dream list!

  2. Oh my god, hello wardrobe of my dreams *waves*

  3. I am indebted to you for this inspiration!!!!

  4. ok so I never swear. But a few choice words popped out of my mouth when I saw that.
    Wow. Imagine getting dressed in that every morning. Beautiufl.

  5. Makes my wardrobe look pathetic! lol. ;-)

  6. I want. So so much. I would want to sleep in there!

  7. Thanks April for the feature!! Hope you're having a great day!


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