One thing I always crossed off as being too hard was cloth nappies. I couldn't get my head around the concept, even though I knew that they moved well past the terry flats my mum used to use (and is still convincing me to use!)
However, a recent discussion of a forum I am a member of has me thinking that it might "just" be possible. Maybe. Currently, I am leaning towards something like the BumGenius AIO
To start with we will use disposables, given most newborns don't quite fit into AIO's properly, and will continue to use sposies when we are away, but whilst we are home and able to, I would like to use cloth.
Have you used cloth? How much pain am I setting myself up for?
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Hi April.
ReplyDeleteWe've only just started using cloth as of last week. I love our Dream Dri pop in nappies. Super quick to dry, fit well, pretty trim for an AIO. We used one overnight (with a night booster) and got 14 hours with no leaks!!!
We managed to get ours on sale. 20 nappies and 4 night boosters for just under $300!!!
And as for the poo. Our little one is on a meal of solids so his poo is pretty gross. I've taken to washing it off outside with a hose. That way less chance of poo splashing on me!!
I have no personal experience with this, but a few friends I know have. They all LOVE cloth. In fact, my friend Zoey made her own cloth nappies, so that they could fit her baby all the time (she was really teeny tiny!).
ReplyDeleteI don't think you'll have any problem with them!!
April, I highly recommend giving modern cloth nappies a try. I used bumgenius 3.0 nappies with Oscar, and it was almost as simple as using sposies. You just give the wet nappy a spray, pop it in a bucket and do a wash once you have enough for a load. Soiled nappies just need emptying in the toilet. The initial outlay is expensive but you will save so much money in the long run.
ReplyDeleteWell I took the plunge and ordered 12 BumGenius's.
ReplyDeleteLOL, I can just imagine what would happen if we washed the poopy nappies outside, our dog would eat it. EWW!