Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Laundry Love

Someone sent me this link recently, and suddenly it was 3 hours later and I was still drooling over the beautiful rooms.

These were the standout laundries for me. I would love to have something similar in our new house, but I don't tend to spend a lot of time in our laundry. So I guess it would be wasted. But you never know, I might discover a love of doing laundry

Laundry contemporary laundry room

Luandry Room eclectic laundry room

Both from Houzz
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  1. OMG! thank you thank you. I want laundry number 1!

  2. I know, I love number 1 too Rose!

    I have a plan to have the same cupboards throughout my new house, from the kitchen, to the bathroom to the laundry.


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