So tonight I realised I never posted the finished nursery all finished. I posted bits and pieces of it, but not the whole thing. Opps.
The sunscreen blind I brought from eBay. I can't recommend Jodie Blinds enough. They were very reasonably priced for a custom made blind, and the quality is better than the much more expensive blind in our bedroom. I never did get a pre-Eliza photo of the curtains thanks to the local lady who told me my curtains would be installed mid May, well before my baby was due, and then didn't do them til mid June!
Stay tuned for how reality pans out and see what 'Cyclone Eliza' has done to the room.
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What a gorgeous room!
ReplyDeleteIs the gap above the built in doors for ventilation purposes? My mum always complains her walk in doesn't get enough air in it - that looks like the perfect solution.
Thanks :) I quite like it.
ReplyDeleteIt actually isn't a gap at all, but the runners for the bifold doors. The husband was meant to put the architrave down low enough to cover it, but we forgot about it and I haven't quite got around to painting the tracks the same colour as the door, or finding something to cover it.
I had never thought about needing ventilation in the cupboard - the door spends enough time open so i guess it doesn't matter too much.
Wow April, you've done an amazing job! Eliza's nursery is absolutely perfect, I love all the little details *sigh*. I haven't been blogging much these past few months so I missed the birth of your little girl. So a belated CONGRATULATIONS sweet! I'm off to find pics of your little bundle xxx