Monday, October 3, 2011

Lattice Work

A feature of our house is the lattice work, despite all the shortcomings of our house's features, it still had the original lattice work.

We had to remove it to replace the posts, and made the decision to paint it before putting it back up. Unfortunately it was covered in 12 layers of paint in varying degrees of disrepair, and needed a bit of work with a wire brush before we could paint it. A friend of ours had access to a industrial sandblaster and a spraypainting booth, so we had him sandblast and paint it for us.

Now we just have to paint the posts and put all the lattice up again. I am not looking forward to it, as I think our mate lost some of the attachments.
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1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous lattice work. I love the features of older houses and have tried to keep them where possible with renovating our place. G


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