Tuesday, April 17, 2012

House Hunting - the downfalls

There are certain downfalls of hunting for your next house. Things like

  • budget
  • requirements
  • ideals
  • disappointment.
You know we are serious about a house when we actually make a time to go and look at a house. We're deadly serious when we go back a second time armed with a camera and a measuring tape. We did that with this house. We had both fallen in love with the house and could picture ourselves living there for many years to come.

There were certain downfalls to the house though. Like that it was dirty on the inside, messy on the outside, fences needed repairing, deck restraining and the driveway needed to be rebuilt. Oh, and there was no car storage space either, so a carport needed to be built. So we put in an offer taking the cost of those things into consideration. 

We were knocked back. So we put in a higher offer, the maximum we were willing to pay. Again we were knocked back.

I was gutted by this, I had fallen in love with that house. It ticked just about every box I was looking for in a house (for the record the only thing it was missing was an attached garage). And now every house is compared to it as not being as nice, as homely or as perfect for us.

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