Thursday, April 21, 2011

Do you love chocolate?

I loooove chocolate, and so does my mum. So when thinking of a birthday present for her, I remembered a friend telling me about a walking chocolate tour in Melbourne. Fantastic, the walking would counteract the chocolate consumed, meaning it was a guilt free present!

A quick google search found me Chocoholic Tours, where I was amazed to learn there were several options. I decided on the Chocolate Lovers Walk, which took us to Lindt (my favourite), Haigh's (my second favourite), The Chocolate Box (my mum's second favourite), and KokoBlack (her absolute favourite!)

To mark the day as a special occassion for my mummy, I decided to make it a suprise - which meant that she was only told to wear comfortable shoes, bring water, and an umberella. I picked her up and we drove to the train station, boarded a train, and took a short stroll up Collins Street, all whilst she kept making guesses as to what we were doing. She guessed the zoo, Luna Park, going to a day spa, going to high tea, and going to a play. Her final guess, as we stopped outside Lindt, was shoe shopping. She spotted the shoe store, but failed to see the giant Lindt bunny.
(I so wanted to take him home, but he was $100, and I didn't think the husband would agree as to his essentialness)

Anyway, because she was starting to head towards the shoe store, and the tour was about to start, I told her the news, which she was ecstatic about. Some tour highlights included:
Ever seen a pregnant rabbit? 

I love the Collins Street KokoBlack store, it is so beautiful.

What was even more beautiful was the chocolate mousse and cake. It was devine! The pregnant bunny may have eaten half their mums cake too.

Both my mum and I raved about the tour to the people on the train on the way home, and thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. If you are ever in Melbourne, and have a spare 3 hours, book in for a chocolate tour - well worth the walk!
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  1. My chocolate arrived, and I have been kind anough to share them with Clint. They are delicious so thanks again.I will look into doing one of these tours some time-yummy. Oh, and I will check out that Koko Black when we stay in the city next month-I usually go to the one in the Block arcade, but this looks much nicer!

  2. Most welcome lovely, you are far to kind to Clint!!! It is an amazing building on the inside, as well as out. And nicely located just near some shops where I like to window shop and drool ;)


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