Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Urgh, painting will be the death of me. Not only is it incredibly hard to get down to floor level when you are 31 weeks pregnant, it is near impossible to get back up with you have SPD. Which is why this task took me several weeks to complete.

Ok, so this task was a long time coming, waaaay back in December 2009 we painted our office, with the intention of painting the trim when the carpet was replaced. Finally, it is time for the carpet to be replaced and the skirting boards to be painted the same colour as the rest of the house rather than hideous green. Just to refresh your memories, it looked a little something like this

The husband has been working away a lot recently, which meant I often found myself bored of a night time, and one particular Wednesday night I decided to paint the office. The carpet was still in there, but I had these nifty little carpet savers. Turns out they were more of a hinderence than help, so I gave up half way around the room, but I did manage to paint the door frame and door, so all was not lost.

So at 8pm on a cold Friday night a few weeks later, I decided to make the husband rip out the carpet so I could finish painting. You know, because 9pm is an ideal time for that. I got the first coat on that night, and a few days later finished the second coat.

 Notice the cables - this household does not function without a phone or internet, both of which are required to be in the office. I can live with an iMac sitting in the dining room, but no internet for several days? It as impossible as me giving up chocolate for life!

Now I just need the carpet people to come and do their thing.
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