Monday, November 2, 2009


When we changed the colour our benchtop, it threw out our tile selection.

So today we went to the store (and got the worlds most useless shop assistant) and came home with a few suggestions:

Options one (let me know which colour tile you prefer)

Which I found similar themed material in a catalouge tonight for curtains and chair covers

Or, tiles like in this kitchen, in a similar mocha colour

What do you prefer? Do you have a different suggestion?

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  1. I really like the blue tiles, however the mocha would probably be more practical and go with more. :-)

  2. Thanks Angela. Everyone keeps saying go neutral, but I am a bit over neutral, if you know what I mean.

  3. I say go the red! My house is very neutral but I have splashes of red everywhere, like my red KA! ;o)


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