Thursday, June 24, 2010

Laundry (otherwise known as 'the room that is never finished')

Before we tiled our kitchen and bathroom, we had to pull our laundry apart. Which wasn't that devastating, as it was never finished from when I painted it in August, and most certainly never finished when we renovated our bathroom in 2006! It has become the 'room' that we never get around to finishing.

Out came the washing machine. Out came the million odd socks that were under the washing machine. And out came the odds and ends we had stored in there. For such a small cupboard we sure did pack the junk in there!
The laundry in April 2010

Once the tiles were down and we had finished painting, the door went back on its hinges, only for us to realise that the floor has now risen a good 18mm, and it is now too long for the space. Doh! So out to the shed it went, and it had a haircut. I knew that plainer would come in handy eventually.

Next step is to put the arcitrave back on, and install a shelf for detergents to sit on. Out comes everything. AGAIN!

Our poor walls after the skirting boards were removed. The decision was made to replace the skirting boards, and to cover the damaged walls.

Finished, and all moved back in.

See the shelf we have a (fake) plant and jar (stain remover) sitting on? It was one of the incorrect kitchen doors! I was originally going to use a timber shelf kit, and cut it down to fit our odd space and paint it like the shelf we originally had, however when looking in the shed we found this door, and we knew it would be easy to wipe down, and it could be cut to the size we required with very little work! Best of all, all we had to buy was a pack of screws and two L brackets, saving us $35 for the shelf kit we were going to buy.

Now to paint the architrave (and remove the washing machine for hopefully the last time!)
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