Tuesday, August 10, 2010

An Award

Days Like These and Me n My Monkeys gave me the Versatile Blogger Award, thank you both. I am well aware that I am a slack blog award receiver (I know someone gave me an award, but I forgot who and where, but thank you to that special person!)

The way this award works is you must:

a) Thank the person who gave you this award

b) Tell 7 things about yourself

c) nominate 15 newly discovered blogs to share this award!

So, 7 things about me. Hmmm

1. I lie about my age, but not intentionally. I forget that the husband and my best friend are 2 years older and myself, and I tell people I am 28, just like them.
2. I am a contributor over at BlogThis and love it.
3. One of my favourite past times is to dream how I would spend my millions if I ever won lotto. Todays dream is to find a cure for a common man cold!
4. My favourite ice-cream is currently maltesers and nutella smashed into vanilla at Cold Rock. Delish
5. I love shopping. Even if I don't buy anything, I love to look and consider the possibilities.
6. I am quite a private person, despite having a blog and sharing things with you all. I only tell people what I want them to know.
7. I love reading your comments, and seeing what you guys think about what has caught my eye that day.

Little Red Writing Cook
Making Limecello
Buttons By LouLou
Fat Mum Slim
Russell St Reno
Able Mae
The Haphazard Blogger
Absolute Alaia
Centsational Girl
Life At Number 10
The House at A-M Built
So Frenchy So Chic
Young House Love

So there you go, thanks ladies for the award, and make sure you check out some of my favourite bloggers!
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  1. Thanks April, that's nice of you to nominate me as one of the special 15...

  2. Oh thankyou!

    Now what is it that I need to do?

  3. Lesley you are more than welcome, I love reading your blog!

    Kerry, you need to copy the image over and fill out the questions and nominate some blogs that you love.


Thanks for your comments. I love seeing what you have to say, so write away!