Monday, August 16, 2010

Point & Shoot - Spare Room Cupboard

Somedays I really do love my husband. Despite having a cold and being tired from a long day at work, he came home on the weekend and started building the robes for the spare room.

Without my nagging. Miracle!!!

We have decided on a single bi-fold door for this robe, due to the length of the room. Basically if we had a queen sized bed, we couldn't have a full sized door on the robe like we eventually planned on having. Due to the small size of the cupboard we didn't feel sliding doors would be a great use of the internal space. So bi-fold doors it was.

Eventually when it is plastered there will be a hanging section on the right, and shelving on the left, though I am contemplating having 2/3's as double hanging, and the rest as full length hanging for dresses/suits etc. Suggestions?

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1 comment:

  1. What a good hubby! I reckon go the 2/3'ds with the full length hanging over shelving. That was if you want shelving later, you can put a set of drawers or shelves in and change it to suit your needs :-)


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