Thursday, August 19, 2010

Cat Kennel

Yes, you did read that right, we are making a kennel for our kitty. Oh, and our puppy, but mainly our kitty.

Now, before you think I have gone completely bonkers, there is a reason for this. Our Jack Russell stays home most days, and doesn't like sitting in his kennel alone (which is really a child's cubby house, due to the size of our German Shepard). And our cat, well she sits on the door mat for most of the day when we are at work, even in the rain. When we got back from Melbourne last week, and it had been raining for the third day straight, she was drenched. I have no idea where she had been, but she was soaked through.

So we decided to build a cat kennel on the weekend, because we had nothing better to do on a freezing cold winters day (apparently sitting in front of the heater is for wimps).

We started with a base

And built some walls. Just incase you were wondering, we used 70x35 framing pine. We made Ben sit inside the "house" to make sure he fits (how terrible would that be if we made a whole kennel and it was too big/small! Parent fail!)

And built a doorway (once again, making Ben go through it to make sure he fits).

We decided we wanted a pitched roof on the kennel so that it looked like a mini house. It has a mini veranda out the front so that the weather shouldn't come inside the kennel.

We had some left over flooring, and decided to make a mezzanine floor for the cat to sit on when she gets sick of Ben. Lucy was being lazy in front of the fire, so we made Ben demonstrate the extra level. We put left over weatherboards on the outside to block out the elements, and to replicate our house (yes, we may have been a touch bored this weekend).

I think he likes it!

Stay tuned and see how we complete this project.
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  1. That's awesome April...I love it! You guys are so clever (and I love that it matches your house!)

  2. Wow, very handy with a power tool by the look of it! Great job! Looking forward to seeing how you finish it off :-)


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