Friday, August 6, 2010

A New Addition

For a while now, probably since we brought our TV in 2007, we have been wanting a new tv cabinet. We just never got around to finding the right one. And then there was the talk of moving house, and we decided to hold off buying something until we were in our new house, as it would more than likely mean we would buy a new dining table, lounge suite and occasional furniture.

So we made do with our buffet being our TV unit. And it worked, as you can see.

Over time the buffet was starting to strain under the weight of our tv, and it started to bow ever so slightly. So during the week I picked up this beauty

It wasn't planned, the Aldi catalogue arrived on Wednesday this week and there it was. Best of all, it was the bargain price of $149! And it matches the colour of our existing furniture. I was a bit apprehensive about it not being overly strong, stable or cheap-looking.

Once I got it home, and spent 2 hours constructing it, I was super happy with it. It has tied in well with our lounge well, and

What do you think? Worth the smackers?

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  1. $149 is a bargain ! And it looks awesome !

  2. Looks great! We did a similar thing recently with our TV (but ours was from IKEA). It was nice to change the room slightly - it also gave me an opportunity to declutter as well!

  3. Wow that looks great. I saw that in the catalogue and thought it looked good and was considering getting one too. Great feedback and, yep I reckon you got a bargain! ;-)

  4. It's well worth it Chantel. I love ours, and if we had the room would get the coffee table as well.


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