Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bathroom Beauty

I love this bathroom, but I can't quite remember whose it is. I know it is from a blog I follow (sorry to mystery bathroom owner, it was in my inspiration file, but I just can't work out where from to credit you).

I love that custom vanity though, oh so much storage! I would love something similar in our new house, but with a laundry hamper cupboard in the middle.
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  1. Its from A Room For Everyone, and it's gorgeous!!!! Love that storage too!

  2. Hi April, the lovely bathroom belongs to Rachel her whole home is gorgeous. ;-)

  3. Thank you so much for featuring my bathroom, I'm very flattered! Jenny from The Five Year Project let me know about your blog. I think the laundry hamper is a great idea! Rachaelxx

  4. Ah ha, thank you for letting me know. I knew I had it somewhere in my blog list, but pregnancy brain (when I wrote the post) stopped me from finding it.

    Rachael, you really do have an amazing house, I love your style and hope to build something of similar style one day.

  5. Oh this just makes me drool! Our house still has the original 1964 bathroom and it is just so ridiculously tiny. *sigh* One day, one day!


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