Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Loving the Laundry

I am in love with Rachael from A Room For Everyone's laundry (actually her whole house, but mainly her laundry today).

She amazingly took her laundry from this plain boring laundry
and made it into this beauty

Look at those cupboards *swoon* 

It even has a mudroom, oh my beating heart!

That really is the handiest Ikea bench, it is awesome for storing random things!

If you want to see more of Rachael's house, check out her blog - be sure to stalk the photos of her kitchen too! A-MAZ-ING!
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  1. This laundry almost made me cry. Considering my laundry is the size of a closet, I'm so incredibly jealous.

    Love, Love, Love

  2. Isn't it wonderful! Sure makes my cupboard laundry look small though (especially given it is a cupboard!)


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