Monday, April 19, 2010

Point and Shoot Monday

This weekend saw my mummy and I go to Melbourne and attend a Chocolate High Tea at the Langham in Melbourne for her birthday. We both had an amazing time, and left feeling ever so full, and needing a detox!

Head on over to Fat.Mum.Slim and show Telle what you did this weekend!

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  1. OOh I've done that - How yummy is it!! My favourite were the crepes!

  2. Oooh yum! I went to High Tea yesterday as well but we didn't have chocolate sweets that looked that good :)

  3. that looks so delicious. i'd keep this in mind next time we head over to melbourne!

  4. OMG, I didn't see crepes Lu!

    We have decided we are going to go back on every birthday ending in a 0 or 5. As my mum and I are 20 years apart, I am thinking that on years ending in 3 and 8 we will do a day spa, just to break it up a little bit ;)

  5. Umm did you forget to mention how great you are at photography?

    They look delish. xx

  6. they look fantastic, what were they?


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