Thursday, April 1, 2010

Top Drawer Challenge

Hello Owl currently has a 'Top Drawer Challenge' going, where you have to share what is your top drawer.

So here is mine*
OK, in there we have
* honey moisturizer that the inlaws brought back from New Zealand - I am not a fan of the smell, so it has been shoved to the back, and is used on my feet in winter. The coconut body butter I slather myself in, and hand moisturizer for when I remember to put gloves on in bed.
* goggles
* the satin thing is a smelly log, which spreads it scent through our room
* a crystal perfume diffuser - It was a gift from a friend for my 21st, but I don't really know how to display it, hence it sits in its box in my drawer.
* a book and a notebook.
* a nail file and a foot file.
* a tub of hair ties, ear plugs, lip gloss, and other bits and bobs that I seem to hoard on my bedside table!

Why don't you head on over and play along!

*indicates that this is infact the tidy version, and not the previous version where the drawer would not open as something was jammed Pin It


  1. oh i love seeing the clean version of drawers. my top draw is currently filled with rubbish. perhaps a clean out is in order.

  2. Do it Amie, I feel much better now that my drawer is clean...i might also do the other 2 drawers

  3. LOL, I love how everyone has cleaned out their drawers before blogging about it! I'd love to see a really messy drawer for once :)


Thanks for your comments. I love seeing what you have to say, so write away!