Friday, February 26, 2010


A change is coming, and I am really sorry about it. I am going to stop blogging every day, and cut it back to Monday to Friday.

I do apologise, but it means I will have more to show you during the week :D

Have a fantastic weekend, it is the start of my weeks break from work, so I am sure to be on cloud 9!
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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Weight Loss Update

Time for a little update.

I am finally starting to see a change in myself. One that I like.

It all started when I started going to a fitness class after work on a Wednesday. Something I had been promising to do for some time, but never got around to doing.  And, much to my suprise, I liked it. I had fun, and was actually disappointed when I had to miss last weeks class. And I am looking forward to this weeks class, I even re-scheduled an appointment so I can go to it.

And I brought a top from Country Road. I know I have talked about the joy of walking into the normal section of Myer, but last week I bypassed the Plus Size section completely. It didn't even get a look in. I walked out of there with a new Country Road top. I couldn't keep the smile from my face. Small achievements keep me going.

Final thing, is that people really notice my weight loss. Several people have commented on it at work. Apparently it has become really noticeable, as has my mood change. Seems I am happier now than I was 6 months ago. Which I suppose isn't a bad thing.

So there you go, 27kg down, more than half way.
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Happy Mail Exchange - Gift Receiving

The lovely kellyansapansa recently alerted me to the fact that she was given me as her recipient, and that I should expect a parcel in the next few days.

Friday, after having a shitty week at work, I came home to find a parcel on the bench for me! What a perfect end to a shitty week!!!

Unfortunately, my excitement meant that I forgot to take photos until half way through. Sorry :(

To start with, there was a cute little shoulder bag (which has now become my gym bag...much better than the green bag I was using), and a touching heart felt card

A book - "It Could Be You" by Josie Lloyd. I spent Sunday reading it, loved it!

A Kimmidoll keychain

A matching Kimmidoll Bag Tag (which is now on my camera bag)

A Kimmidoll magnet, which is holding the phone bill to the fridge

A Kimmidoll pen, which is now in my handbag

Seriously, how cute is Kimmidoll! I love it.

Thank you so much Kelly, your package was awesome, and I can see how you read my blog quite thoroughly to pick up on touches of my personality! I love it all!

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Laundry Un-inspiration

The house hunt has began this weekend, and I noticed something I didn't like.

A lot of houses have laundries that you enter through the pantry. I don't get it, are you walk your dirty clothes through the kitchen and pantry?

Here is an example:
In the foreground is the pantry, complete with integrated fridge cupboard. I quite liked this house otherwise, but there was no way the laundry door could be entered from any other room. To me, it really did ruin the really grand kitchen. I can deal with walking past the kitchen, but not through it.

It doesn't hurt to look at other options, but this is one option that doesn't work for us.
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Monday, February 22, 2010

Bedroom Inspiration

I recently toured Metricon Tusanne and fell in love with the master bedroom. From the subtle beige wallpaper, to the whispy gold drapes. As soon as I walked through the door I was instantly at ease, it was a comfortable room, a room where you could read a book and enjoy a sleep in.

I wasn't overly keen on the outside area being right outside the bedroom, but I did like the idea of a private courtyard to enjoy breakfast on.
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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Ali's Lounge

My friend Ali recently said she was wanting some decorating help when it came time for them to move to their new home, and I jumped at the chance to help.

This is what we started with:
As it is a rental house, we couldn't make any cosmetic changes, but luck was on our side, as the walls were freshly painted a beige before her family moved in! Ali wanted furniture that was child friendly, but still allowed for lots of storage of toys and all of the things that go with having a young family.

So this is what I came up with

1. Ikea Granemo Bookcase is good for storing books, for both young and old on. I like that it is low-line, and therefore can be used as a sofa console as well.

2. TV units not only house a TV, but a dvd player, and a multitude of dvd's. So the cupboards under the Ikea Granemo TV Cabinet are mighty helpful. Paired with the Ikea Granemo Side Cabinet you have an elegant

4, 5 & 6 Freedom Mantel Cushions and Freedom Royal Cushion - Ali asked for a touch of gold to tie in some gold frames she already owns, and what is more lux than these cushions!

7 & 8 Ikea Ektorp Armchair and Ikea Ektorp Corner Sofa in a dark beige colour- Ali mentioned on her blog thast she loves the Ektorp sofa, as it looks so comfortable, and is practical as you can throw the removable covers in the washing machine when little hands make dirty marks.  Ali uses the lounge as her office and lounge, so by maximizing the space, she is still able to put her desk in the lounge and watch over Master M, and corner suite adds more seats in a smaller room, without the bulk of several lounges. The armchair is for Ali's hardworking husband, who asked for an armchair of his own.

9. Freedom Como Ottoman - oh how I love an ottoman! A hardworking item that looks stunning as well! Somewhere to rest your feet - check. Somewhere to rest your morning coffee - check. Somewhere to store the tv remote and guide - check!

10. Rugs-A-Million Leo Rug for visual interest to break up the beige of the walls and the carpet.

11. A beautiful glass lamp. I like this one from Freedom Sofia Table Lamp. As you know, I have something similar in our

12. A potted plant. With my black thumb I prefer an artificial plant, like this one from Freedom. It is harder to kill a fake plant, but I do like the thought of something living in my lounge room, besides my sloth like self ;)

13. Ikea Ribba Frame to show off the beautiful photos she had taken of her son last year, as well as the new little addition she is baking! I love the look of thin frames with thick mats. Especially with vibrant prints.

14. Freedom Bamboo Throw for those winter nights where you don't quite need the heater.

So there you go, my plan for Ali's lounge room. I would love to hear what you think about it.

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

For a little while now I have been talking about starting a business has a hobby. I love helping people renovate and decorate, and I love doing it myself. And then a friend suggested that maybe that is what I should do. And I got thinking, maybe she had a point.

It took me 6 months to think about it. A further 6 months to do something about it. It wasn't until I was reading one of my favourite magazines that I realised that I hate that they only seem to feature high end properties. Sure, they are lovely to look at, but to be honest, there is more chance that I will be struck by lightening than live in a beach front villa in Sydney.

So I give you Little Robin Red, a everyday decorating blog for a regular Joe, just like me! I lean towards the simpler things in the world, furniture that is comfortable and practical, with a tiny bit of prettiness. 

Want to know something about our renovations? Or what I suggest for a space? Or what is coming up next in my house? Email me.

Also - if you're bored, email me, I love getting mail! Pin It

Friday, February 19, 2010

Spotlight on a Mac - Weatherzone

I have a slight obsession with knowing what the weather is going to do that day. Even if the weatherman lies to me, like he so often does, I feel better knowing it could have been sunny instead of raining.

Best of all, it's available for Windows and Mac at Weather Zone

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Thursday, February 18, 2010


The husband and I have been talking more and more about moving house, and building a house.

But first we need a block of land to put the house on. So, we need a list of things that a block must have.

  • Somewhere around 2-6 acres. I am leaning more towards the smaller side, wanting 3, however the man of the house wants 10.
  • Water and Power running past.
  • On a sealed road.
  • Within 10 minutes of our nearest major town, but not within the town itself.
  • Reasonably priced - it's amazing how many crappy blocks have HUGE price tags.
Surprisingly, it is hard to find something that matches our wants. We have two blocks in mind currently, but we are being picky on areas, as I will still need to drive to work, so it needs to be on the west side of town.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Gotta love first birthday cake! My nephew Mr W sure did!

The first part of our year is always hectic, between birthdays, anniversaries, and being prime wedding season, all we seem to do is go, go go. This weekend just gone was for Mr W's first birthday party. So much fun, and food! My stomach still hurts when I think about it.

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What would you do?

Imagine this, you have been driving down the worlds most boring highway (I am talking that a hill is a major highlight kind of boring drive) for several hours and you spot a park, complete with spring animals.

Would you stop?

Guess I did ;) Best fun ever!!!

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Blog This: Comfort Food

'Blog about your comfort food.  What is it?  Do you make it?  How did you stumble upon it?  Is it at your favourite restaurant?  How does it make you feel ?  Share a recipe,  restaurant review or about the last time you ate it!'

My comfort food is a basic one: ham sandwich on slightly frozen bread

Oh yeah, really living the high life there. But let me explain.

My great gran was always the one constant in my topsy turvy childhood. It was only my mum and I growing up, so I spent school holidays with my grandparents, much to my delight! I loved my Gran dearly, and the day she passed a big part of me went with her.

So it is no suprise that she is in majority of my favourite memories. Every christmas she would buy a ham on the bone, and for majority of January we would eat ham. She was never one for fresh bread, but always brought wholemeal Buttercup bread and had two loaves in the freezer. She would defrost it ever so slightly on the sink, and then make me a sandwich.

Now, when ever I need a pick me up, I eat ham from the bone (seeing as though I don't eat bread now).

What is your comfort food? Blog about it, and enter at Blog This Pin It

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

We don't really do Valentines Day in our house, possibly because our wedding anniversary is two weeks prior. Seems a lot of people I know don't do Valentines Day, which makes me feel better, as I always thought I was the only V-Day Grinch!

Anyway, I saw Young House Love blog about Home Sweet Home, who blogged about Pearl and Earl's Married Life Print, (got all that?) and I thought it was rather cute.

So cute that I have ordered one, sans frame, for our hallway. It is kind of fitting for our marriage, as someone always leaves their pants on the floor and the loo seat up.

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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Blog This

I can now be found over at Blog This on a Tuesday and Thursday.

If you are an Australian blogger, head on over and check us out
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Friday, February 12, 2010

Meet Occy!

I am giving this plant gig one more chance before I give up and live a life of fake plants - inside and out.
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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Kitchen Painting - TICK!

The painting almost beat me on the weekend.


At the start of my painting (actually it was as I was taping the final door frame) I twisted incorrectly and pulled something in my back. The pain was terrible. But I pushed on, and it was worth it when I sit back and look at my newly painted window frames and skirting boards
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A few months back I saw How About Orange blog about how to make your own gift bow. I had never thought about it, and was amazed at how simple it seemed

So, after wrapping the blasted Ikea Table and Chair set, I wondered how to make it pretty. And then it all came back to me!

So here was my attempt at making my own bow. Perfect it is not, it is a start!

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Another cool lounge idea

Every now and then I like to check out people's building blogs. I love seeing how people go through the building process, and then how they decorate them.

I saw this idea, and thought it was an excellent idea. Something I would consider doing in our future house.
I can picture those baskets with custom tags for all kinds of toys, spaces for books, and displaying favorite items.

I only wish I had bookmarked the site, as I would love to see what else they do in their house.

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Monday, February 8, 2010

House Update

Not alot has been happening around the house.
Actually nothing has happened for some time. Do you ever work so hard on something, and then just give up as it has become overwhelming? Or is that just me?

This year has become maintenance year. The year where there are no major tasks planned, and we just finish things off.

So far on our list we have:

  • Paint the insides of our bedroom window. We currently just keep the sunscreen blind down to cover over it!
  • Whilst the brushes are out, we need to paint the outside of the bedroom window. The olive green is starting to get to me now.
  • Paint around our front door.
  • And paint the arcitrave and skirting boards in the kitchen
  • Whilst we're in the kitchen, we might as well tile.
  • I started painting the Laundry in August, and well, that is as far as it went. I still need to finish painting the rest of the bathroom.

If we really put our heads down, and worked hard, we could have it done in a couple of weekends. But alas, the husband and I have the world's most spasmotic social life, that goes from zero to 100 in three seconds, and at the moment it is in the 95 category. We have birthday parties, and weddings invites flowing in, not to mention some major projects at work. So we're just taking it one day at a time. Hell, I have lived looking at my half painted skirting boards in the lounge room for 15 months now, a few more won't kill me ;)
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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Well, what do we have here?

Have I mentioned how much I love my husband? Not only did he pick the very earrings I wanted on Monday, he brought them on Friday, as I lingered on them when browsing the week before!

Some times I am overwhelmed with how much I love him.
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Saturday, February 6, 2010


Just putting it on the list of things to buy when I win lotto and have no idea what to do with my money.

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