Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New House - the Verdict

Remember when I said I was going to visit this Metricon Denver?

Some wise person said to me that you know a house is the right house for you, when you walk in and it feels like home. It just feels right.

Well this house felt like home to us.

Besides a few minor changes, like the addition of plaster cornice, different doors, and the possible addition of a powder room found in  the larger model, it just felt right. Unlike many of the other houses we have looked at, there were no major changes we would make (we can do without the powder room if need be). And when we looked at display homes afterwards, we kept comparing it back to this house.

Seems like a pretty fair indication to me that it is our house. Now to get the husband to actually speak to the house of moolah (ie the bank).
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  1. This is a great house and would have been the one that we built had we not been able to change the street facing (which we could). Congrats on finding the right house and good luck with the bank :)

  2. I always compare choosing a house to choosing a wedding gown. You know when you try on that gown that's just PERFECT, and you say, "I don't need to look at any others, THIS is the one!!"

    I think houses are the same way. When you walk in and say, "This is it," there's no need to look any further!

    Congrats! Hope the "House of Money" works out!!

  3. Congratulations on finding your new home. Good luck with the Bank. xx

  4. Oh I've been in this house. Its awesome! So much different to the usual display homes.

  5. How exciting!! Can't wait to follow your journey xoxo

  6. Ooh, how exciting. Good luck with the bank!


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