Friday, September 24, 2010

Blog This Challenge 56 - The Sky

Time for another Blog This challenge.

Our sky doesn't look like this every day, just on the days where there are bushfires in our area. From memory, these fires were in the bush reserve over the road from our place and burning towards us. Thankfully, the weather changed and it rained.

What does the sky look like at your place?
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  1. Eerie! So thick with smoke. We live in such a beautiful country and I feel so blessed but the big down side is bush fire. Such a scary, scary reality. I hope you never have a sky scene like that, so close by, again.

  2. Me too Kim, me too. Unfortunately where I live, it is a sad reality that I will see it again and again :( My only hope is that noone, be animal or person, is hurt.

  3. Wow, it's actually quite beautiful, hey?!

    Talia- Blog This

  4. The colours are unreal, at first I thought that you must have edited the photo. Hopefully, this summer will be good for you with no fires.


Thanks for your comments. I love seeing what you have to say, so write away!