Friday, March 11, 2011

Baby Blankets

I have a slight obsession with buying baby blankets. It is one step below my addiction to buying jumpsuits.

I brought this Amy Butler and minkey number from Baby Mae Botique

and this soft little creature from Able Mabel

and now I am about to make my own. I brought several yards of Amy Butler Full Moon fabric in orange, and just as much minkey material. I have plans to applique a giraffe onto the minkey side with the Amy Butler fabric. I have a sneaking suspicion that I am going to call on my mums help with this one.
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  1. Ohh they are lovely. Minky is oh so snuggly.

  2. Ohhh...I'm very tempted to get my own version of the Able Mable blanket! How fantastic is that colour!

  3. I want!!! Where do you find this amazing fabric?! Lovely April!

  4. oh they look lush. i think i need another baby so i can make it blankets.

  5. Em - Etsy is your (my) friend. I tend to browse fabric sites in Australia (or occassionally my fav local store) and remember the names and buy from the states as it is so much cheaper.

    For example, the orange dot fabric I am using for blankets is $35/metre here and $8/yard in the states


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