Tuesday, January 17, 2012

2011 in review

Given that a certain little baby turned our world upsidedown, inside out and made it spin backwards, we didn't do too bad at getting our list completed.

Here is what we wanted to achieve (from here):

1. Paint the front door. Done!

2. Tile the fire place floor thingy.

3. Install a bigger air-con vent in the lounge room. Done! I don't think I ever blogged about this, but I ended up giving up. The aircon people were right, it couldn't be done with ease. In the end the husband put the other vent inline with it on the other side of the room. It works well actually.

4. Paint all the doors in the house. - I sort of completed this one. I need to paint our bedroom door and the sides of the laundry cupboard door, and thats it.

5. Do something with the front of the house. - In progress hereherehere and here.

6. Finish painting the skirting boards in the office and have the carpets replaced. Done and Done.

7. Hang the artwork I brought last March in our bedroom. Done

Not too shabby, I have a couple that are carrying into this year. Stay tuned for what we want to get done in 2012. It's going to be H.U.G.E*!

* Possibly an overstatement. Pin It


  1. Well done April. Sounds like you achieved a lot in 2011. Here's to a successful and productive 2012 for you. Ange

  2. Good for you April! I think it's really important to take a moment every now and again to take stock of our achievement (helps motivate us to keep going too!).

  3. Sounds like you've done well April, especially when you had a baby to look after amongst all that :) So good to look back over what you've accomplished over the past year isn't it... x

  4. You did well for a year that you were pregnant and had a newborn!! I just wish I had the nesting urge all the time as I got more done in May/June than I normally do in 2 years even heavily pregnant.


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