Tuesday, January 31, 2012

2012 Mission

2012 is the year of finishing stuff.

So given that I completed most of last years list, I thought I would give it a go again this year. (note that * indicates it is being carried over).

1. The lounge room hearth*

2. Paint the outside of the house

3. Finish the veranda*

4. Paint the carport poles

5. Paint the gates

6. Not kill anymore plants.

7. Complete the wall art in Eliza's room

8. Finishing painting all the doors*

9. Clean out the shed properly and get rid of the crap

10. Finish the kickboard in the kitchen

11. Finish painting the inside of the front door

12. Sell this house - We're part way there, we have had the estate agent come around and do an appraisal and give us some suggestions on things we could do to increase the price. Funnily enough, a lot of them are in the list of things to be done anyway.

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