Thursday, January 19, 2012

Christmas Wrap Up

Or unwrap. Which ever way you like to think of it.

Given Eliza is only 6 months old, and very oblivious to the whole christmas thing, I went with the minimalist approach to christmas this year: one present from us, and I worded up the big fella about only sending one present down the chimney too. At this stage I plan to keep it that way.

So, from us she received
 A lot of wrapping paper.

 Nah, really it was a Wheely Bug Mouse.

And from Santa she received a Boon Bug Pod

We hosted christmas lunch this year, with a total of 14 adults and 5 kids, all the presents took up half of our lounge room!

As a special treat (that I didn't know about until after the event) Eliza was given a bit of gingerbread cookie. My mum claims it contains no sugar, just golden syrup. Thanks mum.

All in all it was a lovely day, sleeps were missed, treats were plentiful and the love was flowing. Next time we host christmas I am asking for a bigger house though.

Now I just need to find an adult sized one of these!

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  1. We gave our son one of the large wheely bugs, it's so awesome and I too wish they came in adult size!

  2. Christmas is only special with little ones! What fun!
    I've also tagged you in a round of TAG! You're It! for further info (if you've already played this, please don't feel obligated to play again :))
    x KL


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