Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I have never really been a fan of plantation shutters, they just never appealed to me. However, in the last few months I have grown to love them in bathrooms.

Whilst I am looking for inspiration, tell me, where do you hit up for beautiful photos? I am drawing blanks of where to look, other than Google.

PS - All images from Google
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  1. Love love love plantation shutters in bathrooms!

  2. Our home still has its original 1964 bathroom. I cannot wait for the day we get a new one! Thanks for the inspiration :o)

  3. I've never thought to use plantation shutters in the bathroom but those pictures are amazing. Everything looks so calm and serene!

  4. I love plantation shutters and you have probably seen some of the pics from my house...we have them in our bedroom and the study.
    Well, at the moment I have been getting my inspiration from a lot of magazines. I have a cupboard just for my home magazines and it is so full at the moment that I can't fit anymore in it :-P


Thanks for your comments. I love seeing what you have to say, so write away!