Sunday, March 28, 2010

Blog This Challenge 37 - My Favorite View

Blog This asked what my favourite view was. And I got thinking (as you do) about what was in my favourite view. And there was only one thing that popped into my mind.

As long as I have my husband (who is highly likely to want a divorce after I have published a photo of him crying on the internet) in my view, it will always be my favourite! I love him more than words can describe
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  1. You are such a sweet wife. I love that you love him so much. x

  2. I love the pics of the groom at a wedding when the bride is walking down the aisle. This is a gorgeous one.

    I'm sure he also thinks he is very lucky to have you - you are a catch!

  3. Adorable. Isn't there a Patrick Wolf song.....♫ " My favourite view is you......" ♫

  4. That is so sweet April, walking down the aisle to the man you love is such a special moment and so worth holding on to forever! xx

  5. I that is such a beautiful photo and heart felt words xxx

  6. It is my favourite photo from our entire wedding, and it was a candid shot from my brother in law!

    Lucy, I don't know the song, but I am off to find it now, it sounds cute!

  7. A beautiful photo. Yeah, he'll probably kick your bum. But it was worth it. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Thanks for the help explaining the voting :) I love your view. Its special to be so loved isn't it?


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