Friday, March 12, 2010


I have a new purchase on the way: a rug for the kitchen :D

Ok, so the words and rug and kitchen aren't words that usually go together. Rug and lounge, yes. Rug and kitchen, no. But, I noticed something last night when doing the dishes. 


And it isn't even winter yet! So I am having this delivered.

It was just pure luck that the nice people at Buyster Rugs offered me a voucher recently! How lovely is that! It took me ages to chose a rug, there was so many. I now have three rugs chosen for our new house, and possibly a new rug for the lounge in this house. I particularly love this one, and this green shag rug.

When it arrives I will be sure to let you know all about it!
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  1. Love it!

    I understand about the cold tiles - our whole house is tiles here..

    WHen we lived in chilly old Canberra, our kitchen was actually carpeted!! Messy but nice and toasty :)

  2. That's going to look FANTASTIC on your tile floor! Nice choice!!

  3. I love shag rugs, but they just don't last with a dog in the house :o(

  4. The only thing I hate about our shaggy rug is that the dirt is so hard to get out, especially in winter when you have a wood fire!

    Amy, my grandparents house had carpet in the kitchen...and the bathroom! It was always warm, but terribly stained!

  5. Well where you live I can completely understand the need for a rug in the kitchen :-) my Nanna even has a sisal floor in her kitchen as she can't stand on tiles for a long period.

    As for the green rug, have I shown you mine? I have the green rug from Ikea. It looks like grass hehehe

  6. Brrr. Sounds like a plan.

    PLUS... There's something for you at suger coat it! Pop on over & get it!


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