Monday, March 8, 2010

A Kitchen Update

I am loving that I live in Victoria this weekend, as it is Labour Day weekend, which means 3 days off! Very handy if you want to tile your kitchen and bathroom.

Excuse the mess on the benches, it has been raining and everything had to come inside. And I am yet to clean all the excess gunk from the tiles.

We ran into a few issues along the way. Like our slab being less than level in the bathroom. It is workable, just a bit more fiddly than desired. And then there was the skirtings in the bathroom, which had to be removed, and eventually replaced. Oh, and how could I forget the realisation that our washing machine has been leaking water, and caused some dampness in the wall. Nothing is ever simple in our house!

We still have a few tiles to lay, mainly all the fiddly ones that require lots of cutting (and swearing as we break more tiles), and the grouting to go, but we're hoping it will be done by tomorrow night. Then comes doing all the skirtings. AGAIN!

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  1. This looks tremendous!! Really, really nice work!!

  2. So jealous of your long weekend down there!!!

    Just wanted to let you know you are a winner over at my blog. Need you to send me your postal details so I can have the lovely prize sent over.

    Virginia x

  3. It's a long weekend here too - Adelaide Cup Day. Hooray for obscure horse races!


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