Sunday, January 23, 2011

We're Halfway There...

(sorry, am singing some random song that was on the radio the other morning and is still in my head!)

So, we have officially made it past the halfway mark. It is all starting to seem real now...and very scary!
After my surgery in December, I was freaked out by everyone asking me how the baby was. Oddly enough, despite asking about my baby as soon as I came through from the anesthetic, I wasn't overly concerned as I was still feeling movement quickening. But then I let everyone get into my head and freaked out.

Luckily my Obstetrician booked me in for my scan a little bit earlier than normal, just to settle my nerves. Everything was perfect. Our dates are spot on, and it looks like we will be having a tall baby going by the size of his/her legs. I was a little disappointed with the quality of the ultrasound, I would have liked to have seen the baby in 3D like a number of my friends have, but I can always have that done later on.

And now that we are half way, it means there is a deadline for when things need to be brought by - which in my world means shopping :D Yay!!!

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  1. Wow halfway! And I always found the second part flew too! Glad the scan went well xox

  2. Halfway already! Wow, Congratulations :)


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