Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Buttons By Lou

For a while now I have been following Buttons By Lou (who is also the creator of It's Tuesday and I Can't Wait) and contemplating buying some of her hair elastics. I think they are the cutest thing out.

Ok, so I do realise they are meant for little girls, and probably not 25 year old women, but I wear a pony tail to work most days, and well, I wanted something pretty.

So, after a lot of ummming and ahhhhing, I chose these ones

Aren't they cute!!! I am looking forward to them arriving in the post Pin It


  1. I totally think you could pull it off

  2. lol, I hope so. Even if I can't, I will still have fun with it :D

  3. You're never too old for anything cute :)

  4. hehe, I bought those exact elastics for my cousin! I haven't sent them off yet .... I don't want to give them away!


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