Sunday, January 17, 2010

Mamma has a new hat

I can't beleive I live in Australia, in the middle of summer, and didn't own a hat. Bad April, Bad! It is now known as the Train Driver hat.

Check out my chins. Seems my extra 4 chins have merged and become 1 extra chin! Pin It


  1. You look fantastic and I love the hat - it really suits you. I wish that style suited me!

  2. Thanks Amy. I must admit that I didn't even think of it as a fashion accessory, more a 'I don't wish to get burnt ears - as that really hurts' kinda thing ;)

  3. Hon, hat or no hat (personally I think the hat is super cute) you're looking fan-freaking-tastic!!!

  4. Don't feel bad about not owning a hat! I am a school teacher and realised I was getting cross with children not wearing hats when a kid asked me very curteously, if I forgot my hat that day! needless to say I bought one that same day!!!!


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