Thursday, January 21, 2010

Oh. My. God

So, today I was browsing a blog (sorry blogger, I can't quite remember which blog I was reading, but it was awesome!). And they said they got a light fitting from Overstock thinking about using a shipping company.

And then it hits me. They ship to Oz! Oh. My. God.

See, here in Oz, we have to use a shipping company with most US sites. Which is kinda annoying, as generally you have to use a company that pays for the goods as well. And it means they can charge whatever they wish for postage. So if I really want the item, I pay the shipping.

Now to convince the husband we need this lamp.

I think it would look awesome in our lounge room

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  1. What? WHAT? WHAT?

    Iw ould post more excited things, but I ned to get over to that site RIGHT NOW!!!!

    Big loves, thanks for the heads up, April!

  2. I understand Rosie, I have been rabbiting on about it to anyone that is willing to listen all day!

    Everyone expect the husband ;)

  3. April, that is one lovely lamp! But you can get something similar here, albeit a slightly taller lamp. Check out Leigh over at Brabourne Farm. There's a glass based lamp with a white shade. You can get something very like it at Adairs.

  4. Lesley, I was actually telling a friend that I remembered seeing something similar in Adairs that I was going to check out this weekend! Great minds do think alike ;)

    Will check out Leigh at Brabourne Farm though

  5. I ended up buying the Adairs lamp, will blog about it next week :D


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