Friday, October 16, 2009

House Hunting

One of my favourite things to do is look at display homes. I love coming home with decorating ideas, design ideas, and things that I love, and things I would improve. The only difference is this time we are looking with the intention of buying!

One of my favourite homes currently, is the Metricon Jasper. Although, I have made a number of modifications to it to suit our needs and wants. I once swore black and blue I would never build a  'estate' house (for lack of better words, I just mean a house that everyone else in the street has a version of).

But I could build this house. So lets take a walk through:

Our chosen facade, we still want a country styled house

The display home

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  1. What a great house! I'll take one too :)

  2. Yes please April, what great taste yoiu have!

  3. Oooh I go to Metricon display homes all the time - they are my fave by far! So many nice touches.

    I love your choice - how exciting!



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