Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Blog This: Nostalgic moments

Blog This: Challenge 5 - Holiday Nostalgia
If you aren't a member of Blog This yet then you should get over there and sign up. Every week there are blogging challenges, this week - Holiday Nostalgia.

Everyone loves Holidays. Everyone has had a holiday - be it a great big backpacking adventure, a luxury weekend away, a caravan trek as a kid with the family taking in Big Bananas, Big Prawns, Big Pineapples et al, Camping in the neighbour's yard under the stars for a few nights. Elaborately planned holidays, impromptu 'let's get out of here' holidays. Blog about a holiday you've had that stands out - adventure, relaxation, family, friends, disaster, hilarious events! Who were you with? Where did you go? What made it so memorable? Share a photo if you want!

Thailand - 2008

For our honeymoon, the husband and I went to Thailand. Can't remember why we chose it, think it had to do with it being the only place of interest where it wasnt the wet season. Now, the husband is one of the least culturally awear people I know. He finds chinese to be the height of cultural dining, hates not knowing the language, and hates the city. Awesome, clearly I am insane for chosing Bangkok for 4 days. I have the worlds most sensative stomach (I get sick on my own cooking, and I'm not THAT bad of a cook). This could be a disaster.

Instead, it was one of the best holidays I have ever been on. Despite having been awake for some 48 hours before our flight, me having broke out in a rash and being rushed to the doctors, and having only just been able to get into our car with all our luguage when my stepdad lost our keys ALL BEFORE WE LEFT MELBOURNE, it was awesome.

It opened both of our eyes to another world, both one more sophisticated and underprivliged to ours, and gave us something to talk about for many months afterwards. I was worried about our honeymoon, that we would get bored of spending 14 days together 24/7, but we coped for 13 days fine (the last day I was sick and just wanted to go home)

We went on the River Kwai tour, and I have to say, it was a lot more emotional than we thought. I have never been a big one on the war and history, but it really touched us. It was very interesting, and I highly suggest you do it, if in that corner of the globe.

Of course, whilst we were down that way, we had to see the Tigers. I couldnt not see them. So we stood in this sandstone valley for 2 hours waiting to pat the tigers, almost dieing of heat exhaustion. Of course, husband being husband, had to 'tickle' the tiger, like he would our cat, on the stomach. Turns out the tiger wasnt such a fan, and started to growl. I have never seen my 6'4" husband be moved so fast, especially by a little thai man (he was about the size of my 10 year old nephew)!
In Phuket, we went on an Elephant Safari, and whilst it wasnt what I expected (I expected real jungle, not just a tiny farm block made to look like jungle), it was good fun. Our guide took extra photos for us. Here is moi trying to not fall off the elephant, and into elephant poop
Now, this one we sort of hid from our parents before leaving. Everyone said not to go on a TukTuk. They lectured us on the dangers, the risk, and how it would be a really stupid thing to go in. Well call us stupid, as we went on one. And whilst it was dangerous, it was also great fun. We chose to go a short distance to the redlight market (Pat Pong? I forget) one night for a bit of a look see, and thank god it was only a short distance, we were almost killed along the way. Here is moi before my impending trip of doom

So in a quick nutshell that was our honeymoon. The last real holiday we took. The best holiday so far. Nothing profound happened, but it was nice to spend time together and relax after our wedding.

Oh, and the shopping wasnt bad either ;)
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  1. what a lovely post. And a great picture of the tiger!

  2. great picture of the wild beast..the tiger, I mean! I have a friend who married a girl from Thailand here in Maine (USA). They later went there on vacation and he loved it so much he bought property there and plans to retire there.


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