Thursday, June 4, 2009

Work-tool Wednesday: Paint Roller Cleaner

Ok, I know its Thursday, I was a touch busy yesterday at the doctors and the dentist.

So my favourite tool this week is a RotaCota Roller Cleaner.

I might have mentioned how I hate painting. The one thing I hate more than the act of painting is cleaning up afterwards. Urgh, the cold water, the mess, the cold water. Urgh.

So on one of my many trips to Bunnings, I came home with this, and I must say I am impressed. It uses a lot less water than the previous method, and it a hell a lot quicker. Good for the environment, and good for my time schedule.

If you are going to paint with a roller, you NEED this.
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1 comment:

  1. How handy is that. I hate to paint aswell so anything that'll ease pain it causes i'm up to try xxx


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