Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The scarf

Sorry, i forgot to take a picture on Saturday, Sunday was makeup free day, and I went to bed last night.

So without further ado, i present the scarf

Scuse the dodgy look on my face, it was 7am, and it is hard work to look cheerful and take ones photo at the same time at that hour of day Pin It


  1. I like! It looks so soft and snuggly! I want one.
    Looks good on you, very good investment I say :)

  2. Anyone that can pull off not looking insanely awful at 7 am let alone smile deserves an award! love the scarf! beautiful!

  3. Went to the Burberry outlet at Woodbury Commons I was thinking of you. Unfortunately just like Tiffany's I didn't buy you anything. Sorry.

  4. Ohhh looks so warm and cuddly ! Ohh how i covert a scarf, i could wear it maybe three times a year in this hot town.


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