Saturday, June 13, 2009

Hello followers

Image from Jorsan75 on Flickr

I have been meaning to write this for a few weeks now. I want to welcome all my new followers. Don't be strangers, come and tell me about yourself
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  1. hello there - not sure if you noticed but i tagged you on my blog for the fave photo tag :) see my blog for details. enjoy :)

  2. I have enjoyed your blog for a while.. LOVE IT, you always make me smile.

    I'm fairly new the whole blogosphere in the way of "blog stalking" other people but I have really enjoyed your posts.

    Keep it up.


  3. hey guys!

    Carly, thanks, i noticed that. am currently thrawling through photos now. seems i am always behind the camera, not in front of it!

    Em, thanks chook! Nice to 'meet' you!

  4. i couldn;t believe you were at kylies kicking myself that i could have met you there had i attended,the beloved watched bathurst and i had the chickenpox. :(

  5. lmao, yup, I was at Kylies wedding. Thanks for not attending with the Chicken Pox though ;)


Thanks for your comments. I love seeing what you have to say, so write away!