Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The most expensive rock that my kitchen will ever see

One really should not trust their husband to take photos during the day.

Can you beleive it took the boys 15 hours to do this? They finally called it a night at midnight, and were back into it at 7am

The best part of being friends with Peewee, other than him being an awesome person, is that he knows LOTS of people. Including a plumber, who came to visit, convientey around the time the boys were needing to alter the pipes ;)
At 8am our concrete arrived, and has taken till now to cure enough to be smoothed over. Fingers crossed it can be lightly stepped on by morning

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  1. woo hoo! so question... what are you doing about cooking until this is done?

  2. lol, i shall post about my current kitchen later tody


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