Friday, May 15, 2009

May I present you with...

Remember when I told you about the giraffe that I am making my 2 year old niece? Well I have finally finished it.

And here she is

Her darling buttons (it took me 4 lots of buttons before deciding on these ones...I now have a button collection LOL)

Her pretty pink mane

And all 'wrapped' to go

I love her, and think I will cry when giving her away. 

Even more so if she isnt loved as much as I love her
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  1. Ohh,she is beautiful ! Well done. Did you ned up giving her a name ?

  2. I love her. I have a bit of a 'thing' for giraffes, and this one is beautiful.

    Does she have a name?

  3. oh she is the cutest!! I wish I knew how you did that. sewing is something that will always amaze me. You could definetly sell that in stores! I would buy one since I live in pity that I have no talents! :)

  4. She's so pretty!! Make me one! :p

  5. lol, i chose not to give her a name, i was already far to attached to it. My neice liked it (even though she kept calling it a horse). No idea how it went down with the parents, i was too busy reading books with my niece at that point ;)

    Candy and Kahlee, if you want one, send me a message and I will see what I can do for you.



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