Friday, May 22, 2009

We have plaster!

Oh the joy! I wanted the plasterers to arrive last week, but knowing my luck (which is pretty shoddy at the best of times) they were flat out! How typical. Every other day we have spoken with the boss, he was ready to go the next day, but the one week we are finally ready and we have to wait 2 weeks!

Oh well. Good things come to those who wait. Right?

So this morning at 8am, a whole ferry of guys show up at my front door. Awesome. I am however running late for work and can't chat. Door is unlocked for them, will be back at 1. See you then.

Luckily, when I return at 1, all is good. I should let you know that I live in a small town, and trust our plastering company completly. I wouldn't otherwise leave total strangers in my house alone during the day. But this is what my little men achieved:

The bedroom (excuse the mess, they left all their stuff here for the weekend)



The Hallway

My 'fancy' cornice. Plain cove cornice wouldnt really suit our house or high ceilings, and when we did the lounge room we choose to put in the more expensive cornice. Am extreamly glad we did. Though I almost had a coronary when I thought they had installed the cornice upside down compared to the loungePhotobucket

The linen cupboard
So they are now half done. On Monday they will return to do the final sanding, and finish the cornice. When the boy returns from work the following weekend will be spent painting, and then carpet and cupboard inners. 

The end is in sight
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  1. Yep. Awesome. Now send them to my place because I have had 4 different guys booked and they have all bailed on me. For some reasons tradies don't want to come within cooee of my house.

  2. It is looking excellent ! Can't wait to see the finished product.


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