Lark describe their products as handmade of a high quality, ethical and fun! They aim to make you smile (they do this well!)
Many of the products are made by Allison, the owner of Lark, but she also works with skilled local craftspeople (always a plus to support local business), and not-for-profit community organisations of women artisians in rural Bangladesh and a group of adults with disabilities closer to home in Central Victoria (a big one for me). They have so many fun items, it was really hard to walk away with nothing in my little hands.
And that was that, I never knew they had an online store til the other day when someone else mentioned it to me. And OH. MY. GOD. That is dangerous. Least Dalesford is a good couple of hours away, and I can resist temptation, but online shopping?
Anyway, why I am going on about Lark, is that they are having their first ever factory sale.
So, if you happen to be a Victorian, and want a drive to a beautiful town away from the rat-race (and some ice-cream), head to Dalesford this weekend to check it out. Am super jealous that my mum has already booked my weekend up and I cant go!
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Damn, my poppy-in-law lives up near there but we won't have time to go up this weekend. I love Lark and I love a good sale!