Sunday, December 6, 2009


The very lovely Telle at Fat.Mum.Slim set up this Point & Shoot challenge for the week. On Sunday we had to capture an image of our day

So here is mine

We removed the fence on the weekend, and installed new garden beds. Unfortunately we live in the middle of nowhere, an couldn't get soil at 3pm, so that will happen at a later stage I suppose!  I am thinking of putting english box hedge in there, but not sure if it will be bushy enough, as the husband made the beds wider that I originally wanted. But meh, I can deal. We might just have two rows of plants in there.

They look a lot better than the old fence though! And, as an added benefit, we can now sit at the table and watch future children play in the backyard!
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  1. That's going to look great.

    I would have been frustrated that I couldn't have finished it all in one day. I'm such a sook like that. I hate having things still on my to-do list. I hope you'll share pics when it's done.

    Thanks for playing along. xx

  2. lol, I used to be like you chelle, then I realised you can't renovate your house in a day, so if it takes less than 10 weeks, it's considered a short project!

    But I will come back with pics. I am thinking about getting the soil and plants this weekend and finishing it off


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